Gear I love in the Back Country | Ross Mackay
Here are some of Ross Mackay’s most admired and used items that he constantly calls on when heading into the back country.
Roland Tyson started making outdoor gear on an old industrial sewing machine in his childhood bedroom in 1983. He was 17 years old. As a young outdoor enthusiast, Roland realised that he had a passion and a talent for creating cutting-edge outdoor equipment. Soon he was designing and manufacturing equipment for other Australian adventurers. This led to him outfitting an unusual first ascent of Mt. Everest. From this 1126+ kilometres 8848-metre elevation trek from sea level to a solo summit, Sea to Summit was born.
Roland’s drive was to design the best, lightest, and most durable equipment. This would take him farther into the remote Australian outback and eventually into the Himalayas. He could put his inventions to the ultimate test in these wild places.
In 1993, Roland was joined by Penny Sanderson, who had spent six years at Australian Geographic. Her passion for exploration and innovation perfectly fit Sea to Summit. She and Roland began traveling several months out of each year; climbing, sailing, trekking, overlanding, and biking. Everywhere they went, they were testing products and improving the design.
In 2022, Sea to Summit successfully transitioned from an owner-modelled business to a solid private equity-backed business. The certified B-Corporation and Australian investment firm, Five V Capital, signed an agreement with Sea to Summit to become the majority shareholder. This marks an important milestone in the company’s history as the brand becomes a global player in the outdoor industry, continuing to grow and expand. The partnership will allow Sea to Summit to execute its growth plans in areas such as e-commerce, supply chain and sustainability expertise.
Roland and Penny’s fundamental love of travel and design will see them remain active in Sea to Summit designing perfect gear for customers to enjoy and experience worldwide.
Here are some of Ross Mackay’s most admired and used items that he constantly calls on when heading into the back country.
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Summer Challenge is an exciting adventure race for women. It’s the iconic Spring Challenge’s best friend with kayaking, mountain biking and hiking. CamelBak and Sea to Summit are long-term partners.
When you are choosing a shelter, you need to consider where you are going, what weather is forecast, the load you are prepared to carry and for how long.
Planning and preparing is key for any successful trip into the outdoors. The first place to start is checking your existing gear.